Smooth, Comfortable Aligners
Invisalign®, a treatment that straightens your teeth with the help of clear, customized, removable appliances called aligners. This treatment doesn’t use wires and brackets making it virtually undetectable.
How It Works?
Combining advanced 3D computer graphics technology with 100-year-old science of orthodontics, Invisalign® aligners have been designed to move your teeth incrementally to the designed position as recommended by your orthodontist.
The aligners are manufactured and adjusted to fit your mouth at each stage of the treatment plan. Visit us today to determine if this treatment is right for you.
After sending accurate treatment instructions, Invisalign® uses advanced computer technology to create a sequence of finely calibrated aligners.
You can wear each aligner for about two weeks and take it off when you need to eat, brush, or floss.
Replacing each aligner sequentially will move your teeth gradually, week-by-week until they reach the desired final position. With the help of Invisalign®, you will begin to smile like you never have before.
For more information about Invisalign® and how it works, please visit the Invisalign® Homepage.
For the best results and a timely outcome, only an experienced orthodontist who has been trained and certified by Align Technology can diagnose and treat using Invisalign®. Today’s Invisalign technology may be suitable for patients as young as 11 years old! Visit us today to determine if this treatment is right for you.
Achieve the smile you have always wanted.